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Re: PHP and .NET

Posted by Shelly on 08/31/07 17:47

"The Natural Philosopher" <a@b.c> wrote in message
> Shelly wrote:
>> "salmobytes" <> wrote in message
>>> On Aug 30, 7:54 pm, Jerry Stuckle <> wrote:
>>>> annoying irrelevant off topic right wing extremist propaganda having
>>>> nothing to
>>>> do with php programming
>>> I wouldn't expect anyone in a PHP group to necessarily know anything
>>> about libertarian ideology. Why don't you try one of their
>>> newsgroups?
>> Libertarian is something between the two. It combines the human rights
>> aspect of Democrats amd the fiscal policy of Republicans. In a nutshell,
>> it calls for an absolute minimum of government and then only when really
>> necessary (armed forces, roads, courts, etc.). It calls for individual
>> liberties -- something that Bush and company with the un-patriot act
>> seems to want to do away with.
>> Shelly
> That's what its SUPPOSED to be about: In practice its a convenient
> ideology for 'let big business do what it likes, and the devil take the
> hindmost'
> One man's freedom is usually another man's death sentence. You only need
> look into Iraq.

No, it is more than that. It is warrantless searches (a violation against
the illegal search and siezer in the Bill of Rights). It is about denial of
habeus (sp?) corpus. They can grab you, lock you up for six months because
they suspect you of being a "terrorist", deny you legal counsel and not even
let anyone (family included) know where you are (or even THAT you are)
detained. Bush is trampling on the very constitution that he swore an oath
to uphold. It's not about big business. It is about "we don't need no
civil rights for anyone but us".

Bush-hater (and his damn father, too).

PS - I was a Republican all my life until it was captured by the Immoral
P.P.S. Where is John Galt?



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