Posted by Neredbojias on 09/02/07 04:41
Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 20:07:50 GMT
Dave Kelly scribed:
> There may be a better usegroup for posting this request for help, if
> there is, please direct me there.
> At http://www.texasflyfishers.org a lot of our members have report not
> being able to access the website.
> With the exception of one Verizon - MAC user, all the others were Road
> Runner who were switched to Comcast.
> Is this a known issue?
> Are they out to get me?
> What can I do to the code to alleviate this problem?
You must have been working on the page. The only error I get is
"font:normal" which you can just remove or use something generic like
"font-family:sans-serif;" (The 4.01 transitional validates 100%.)
The page loaded fine for me, so I suspect it's as Sherm Pendley suggests -
a host problem.
Half lies are worth twice as much as whole lies.
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