Posted by The Natural Philosopher on 09/01/07 19:16
ELINTPimp wrote:
> On Sep 1, 2:25 pm, skim1114 <skim1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I am embarrassed to ask this, but I've worked on this for hours and I
>> can't seem to find what the error is. I am trying to teach myself php
>> and I am in the very early stages of understanding it. I have a book
>> that I am walking through. I created a form to validate...all pieces
>> I've coded work, except the piece for the age drop down. There are 3
>> options, 0-20, 30-60, and 60+. What in the code is wrong here? I
>> understand this might not be the most efficient way to code this, but
>> like I said, I'm just starting.
>> I'm sure anyone with php knowledge could help me out with this in a
>> second.
>> Thanks in advance. Code below:
>> ---------
>> if (isset($_REQUEST['age'])) {
>> $ = $_REQUEST['age'];
>> if ($age == '0-29') {
>> echo '<p>Your age selection was between 0-29</p>';
>> }elseif ($age == '30-60') {
>> echo '<p>You age selection was between 30-60</p>';
>> }elseif ($age == '60+') {
>> echo '<p>You age selection was between 60+</p>';}else{
>> $age = NULL;
>> echo '<p><font color="red">You forgot to select you age!</font></p>';
>> }
>> --------
>> $ = $_REQUEST['age'];
> needs to be:
> $age = $_REQUEST['age'];
what does [ '30-60' ]evaluate to as well?..
a string "30-60"?
Or a numeric -30 ?
I suppose its a questiopn of what is in $age.... :-)
It's not clear..
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