Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 09/02/07 18:30
foogow wrote:
> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>> Better watch it or your mommy might send you to your room.
> Get a life.
> Do have any friends? A partner?
> Do do anything except troll this newsgroup, competing to be top jerk?
> Are you autistic?
> Be helpful and constructive. Else get lost and don't come back.
Yep, you should try to be helpful and constructive.
And it would be much better for this group if you got lost and didn't
come back.
So why not take your own advice?
Check back through here. My first post was helpful to the original op -
it pointed out that the code posted was a piece of crap. And this isn't
the first time Krustov has been told his code does not set good examples
for newcomers.
And if you don't like my pointing out bad code for what it is, tough
shit. I'll continue to do it - and continue to post helpful code, tips
and comments where appropriate.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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