Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 09/02/07 19:35
Krustov wrote:
> <comp.lang.php>
> <Jerry Stuckle>
> <Sun, 02 Sep 2007 14:30:34 -0400>
> <>
>> this isn't
>> the first time Krustov has been told his code does not set good examples
>> for newcomers
> Then clearly you havent been doing a very good job of it .
> Full examples of krusty code can be downloaded via
> You will also learn how to incorporate web design into a website as
> learning php is only part of the skills you need to create a good
> looking website .
Just because you posted it on some Outer Limits fan site in the UK
doesn't mean it's any good. Is there anyone on that site competent to
comment on your code? From what I've seen there, no. And you aim it at
beginners who don't know good from bad. Too bad for them.
But I did look at your code. It's even worst than the stuff you've
posted here. I mean - I've seen code which is hard to follow, but this
takes the cake.
And it only works on a Windows server?
Try posting it to real PHP sites for peer review.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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