Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 09/04/07 11:07
Marijn wrote:
> On 4 sep, 10:02, Toby A Inkster <usenet200...@tobyinkster.co.uk>
> wrote:
>> Marijn wrote:
>>> private function __getDatabaseConnection(){
>>> if (!$this->__databaseConnection) {
>>> $this->__databaseConnection = new DatabaseFactory();
>>> };
>>> return($this->__databaseConnection);
>>> }
>>> }
>> I certainly prefer this.
> But because it's faster or..?
>>> By the way, another small convention question: Should you terminate
>>> control structures with a semicolon?
>> No. In fact, in this particular case, you don't even need the braces.
>> Using my own preferred coding style, it would be:
> I do prefer the braces. Really makes my code more readable
>> private function __getDatabaseConnection ()
>> {
>> if (!isset($this->__databaseConnection))
>> $this->__databaseConnection = new DatabaseFactory();
>> return $this->__databaseConnection;
>> }
>> By the way, you shouldn't name your functions with a double-underscore.
>> Functions that start with a double-underscore are reserved for future use
>> as "magic" functions (e.g. __construct, __call, __get, __autoload, etc).
> I know it is for reserverd magic functions BUT this way i serarate
> public (no underscore) from (protected one underscore) from (private
> (two underscores)
> I really prefer a difference in my code for private and protected
> methods.
> Plus everybody with a bit of experience knows that ther is __call,
> __autoload, __desctruct ...etc.
But Toby is correct. Double underscores are reserved for PHP "magic"
Someone else looks at your code, and they will think these are supposed
to be PHP functions. And/or, sooner or later, you will run afoul of a
PHP function added when you upgrade PHP.
I'd really suggest you find another way to do it. But it's easy for me
- I have no public variables, and very few protected ones.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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