Posted by Luap777 on 09/04/07 21:43
On Sep 2, 12:36 pm, Sanders Kaufman <bu...@kaufman.net> wrote:
> Luap777wrote:
> > Greetings,
> > I don't know much aboutPHP. My question is as follows.
> > I am on windows hosting. They are running 4.4.1. I see the version is
> > up to 4.4.7 with some security fixes. The onlyPHPI plan to run on
> > the site is osCommerce. Is there any remotely exploitable issues in
> >PHPitself in this scenerio? or would I be ok (against known bugs) as
> > long as I keep osCommerce up-to-date.
> I'd be more worried about the Windows hosting provider keeping his
> system secure, than about any PHP4 security issues.
> Asking here was good, but what you *really* need is someone from
> osCommerce to tell you if there's any issues with running it on PHP4.
Thank you for your prompt helpful replies.
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