Posted by Neredbojias on 09/06/07 04:43
Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 21:29:03
GMT Jukka K. Korpela scribed:
>> Naturally there are exceptions.
> So did you write it down 200 times? You're not allowed to talk before
> you've done that and shown it to us. And no exceptions allowed.
I did but the dog ate it.
>> Water is required to survive,
> I'm impressed by the wealth of new information I get in alt.html every
> day.
Yep. Things are much more succinct here than, say, ciwah.
>> Btw, I'm Swedish so learning Finnish might be heretical to my
>> heritage.
> Yeah, I guess Finnish is still more or less illegal in Sweden.
Well, the king got taken once by a Finnish aphrodesiac service. Swedes can
be stubborn.
Half lies are worth twice as much as whole lies.
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