Posted by ptdorf on 09/06/07 13:14
the idea is that in a mvc-framework-like application, new modules
(controllers) interact (by adding or redefining) the behavior
(methods, actions) of existing ones. each part of the system should be
able to reach and mess each other (if needed).
for instance, an audit module. you dont need it in every site but in
some its essential. so when you install that module, it should be able
to attach himself to some modules (you may choose which ones in the
admin settings) and from them on every time some method in some
controller is called, the audit makes sure that that action, user,
date and data is tracked.
I found an implementation of this first in drupal with the
hook_nodeapi. that callback allowed new modules to add new fields at
runtime to certain types of nodes. but the implementation in ruby was
much cleaner. the same for js (with the prototype) and, if im not
wrong, java aop (aspect-oriented programming) achieves the same.
thanks Dikkie for pointing the __call method together with a callback
though i need to think better on this.
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