Posted by Neredbojias on 09/07/07 06:25
Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 08:29:30 GMT
dorayme scribed:
>> <Yawn>
> I have always suspected that there is only one really good and
> entertaining way to deal with you that would not make you cease
> yawning so: to send Officer White around to have a little word.
> Actually, I have asked him to come and beat me up afterwards
> after he has dealt with you - after I discovered myself yawning
> at the above. Or maybe it is just the boozy afternoon that i have
> had with Bush and Putin. Bush is a bit prissy (his wife was
> watching us), but my god, that Putin can drink! I will tell you
> the jokes we three shared one day.
"Bush and Putin" - sounds like a vaudeville team. Btw, "Putin"
dyslexically in "Input".
When I refered to being sleepy, I didn't mean to suggest that your
overlong, rambling message was boring or anything like that. (If you're
confused by the lack of an included referral, that's because you snipped it
whilst retaining said to wit overlong and rambling missive.) But don't
worry, I have taken the liberty of exorcising the morphoditic morsel and we
all can rest easier knowing that we won't be put to sleep at our keyboards.
Is it warming up thare in Sydney yet?
Half lies are worth twice as much as whole lies.
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