Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 09/08/07 19:07
Shelly wrote:
> "Jerry Stuckle" <jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote in message
> news:W-ednUfe0eT3P3_bnZ2dnUVZ_tajnZ2d@comcast.com...
>> Sheldon Glickler wrote:
>>> I have a set of jpg files on a page. I want to give the user the option
>>> to downloadd all of them at once. What is the code to do that? It must
>>> exist because many times users are presented with a download button and
>>> there must be something behind it. Even if it is one file at a time, I
>>> can loop through the list. As for a name, I can use the current name and
>>> if it is one at a time, then the user can name each one.
>>> Alternatively, I could zip it up into one file and then have the
>>> download.
>>> So, I have two questions:
>>> 1 - What is the code to download a file to the user's computer?
>>> 2 - How do I zip up a set of jpg files on the server?
>>> Shelly
>> Of course you do know they can always download an image by right-clicking
>> on the image and selecting "Save Image..." (or whatever wording their
>> browser uses) option. No PHP required.
> Of course I know that! However, most users are not overly computer literate
> and I would have to give them explicit instructions on what to do. A button
> saying "Download" is much easier on the SU. (stupid user). Also, I would
> like to have a button that says "Download All Pictures". For either of
> these I need code behind the button submit.
> Shelly
I just put a note on the page as to what to do. Even the
least-knowledgeable users can figure that out.
But you'll have to zip the image(s) to ensure they are downloaded.
Otherwise the client browser may just display the image. You can't
control that from the server end.
For building zip files, you can start with:
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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