Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 09/10/07 08:33
Scripsit jodleren:
> I have a background image for my page, as
> <body background="filename.jpg">
Bad idea on several grounds. If its .jpg, it's probably a photo, and photos
very seldom make good backgrounds. Moreover, you're violating the principle
of always setting background image (or lack thereof), background color, text
color, and link colors together if you set one of them.
> My problem is, that it "flashes" when the page reloads.
Not unexpected. This is one of the reasons for the principle I mentioned. By
using a background color that resembles the background image, you reduce the
disturbance. This works reasonably for background images that are ornamental
and lack strong color contrasts - as background images generally should.
> The file is some 74 Kb,
Oh my. I bet there's less than 1% of that in actual page _content_.
> in order to fill the entire page.
You have no idea of why and how background images should be used, do you?
> Is there any way to avoid that?
Yes. Stop creating the problem. Don't start using background images before
you have an idea of how they should be used.
Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")
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