Posted by teddysnips on 09/10/07 11:35
On 7 Sep, 19:39, Bruce <deluxeinformat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sep 7, 10:44 am, teddysn...@hotmail.com wrote:
> Is this form bound to a table or view in the SQL database or is it
> updating via code? What is the code behind your "Add" and "Close"
> buttons?
The form is bound to a table - obviously in this case it's a linked
table. Not a view.
The "Add" button's code as follows:
Private Sub cmdAddnew_Click()
On Error GoTo cmdAddnew_Click_Err
' Display Service Bulletin form with blank record
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmSBIndex", , , , , , gcintAddRecord 'Global Const
gcintAddRecord As Integer = 0
Me.Visible = False
Exit Sub
Call modErrorHandler(Err, Erl, Error(Err), "cmdAddnew_Click")
Resume cmdAddnew_Click_Exit
End Sub
The "Close" button's code as follows:
Private Sub cmdClose_Click()
On Error GoTo cmdClose_Click_Err
If (modIsloaded("frmSelectSBs")) Then
Call modDisplayForm("frmSelectSBs")
End If
Exit Sub
Call modErrorHandler(Err, Erl, Error(Err), "cmdClose_Click")
Resume cmdClose_Click_Exit
End Sub
Does that help? (Obviously there's a bunch of functions such as
modErrorHandler that won't help at all!)
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