Posted by gosha bine on 09/10/07 15:00
On 10.09.2007 16:23 howa wrote:
> On 9 10 , 10 20 , ZeldorBlat <zeldorb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sep 10, 10:07 am, howa <howac...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Target: To fetch a file using PHP and send to user
>>> Method 1:
>>> echo file_get_contents( $file_path );
>>> Method 2:
>>> readfile( $file_path );
>>> Which one is better?
>> In practice it probably doesn't make much of a difference. In this
>> case, however, I'd use readfile since the function was intended to do
>> exactly what it is that you're trying to do.
> from the doc it said:
> file_get_contents() is the preferred way to read the contents of a
> file into a string
> also, readfile() also need to read the entrie file into memory before
> send to buffer, so I am just wondering which is better.
Actually, readfile doesn't read the whole file, it uses mmap if
possible, otherwise reads/writes in 8K chunks, thus conserving memory.
gosha bine
makrell ~ http://www.tagarga.com/blok/makrell
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