Posted by Neredbojias on 09/11/07 08:22
Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 08:14:37 GMT
jodleren scribed:
> I have a background image for my page, as
> <body background="filename.jpg">
> My problem is, that it "flashes" when the page reloads.
In what browser? You're probably talking about <= ie6, and such things
tend to happen that way.
> The file is
> some 74 Kb, in order to fill the entire page.
A bit hefty for a background image. Still, once cached, any "flashing"
should be minimal.
> Probably a smaller file might fix the problem?
> Or reduce colours? That might be ugly though?
> Which better, file size or image size?
Don't think it matters much
> Is there any way to avoid that?
Your styling markup is antiquated; css is the new standard and should be
utilized for better overall performance.
Half lies are worth twice as much as whole lies.
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