Posted by lgeastwood on 09/11/07 16:31
On Sep 11, 6:45 am, teddysn...@hotmail.com wrote:
> On 10 Sep, 17:20, Bruce <deluxeinformat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> [...]
> > It looks pretty straightforward as you describe. The two minute delay
> > attempting to save the record makes me think that something is timing
> > out, i.e., it's attempting to save the record but can't for some
> > reason (perhaps something else has the record locked at that point?),
> > and your error handler isn't telling you why. Have you tried setting
> > a breakpoint at Docmd.Close to see if an error is occurring that your
> > error handler is trapping but simply discarding? Alternatively you
> > might try setting the 'break on all errors' option under tools,
> > options, general tab in the VBA editor. Also are there any triggers
> > on the table on the SQL side that might be causing a problem? Looking
> > at the error log on the SQL side during the time frame the problems
> > occur might shed some light on the issue.
> You're right about the timeout. I put a breakpoint on the line:
> DoCmd.Close
> at which point the hourglass started up. After about two minutes
> there was an error message:
> "ODBC - Insert on a linked table 'dbo_tblSBIndex' failed
> [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] Timeout expired (#0)"
> This message does not appear if the breakpoint is removed.
> I put a breakpoint on the same line in another functionally identical
> form (as mentioned in message 1 upthread) and this did NOT time out.
> There are no triggers on any tables in the database. I'm pretty well
> all out of ideas.
> Edward
Just a few things I might look at. Maybe you have already.
Have you compiled the code module?
Have you checked for field name errors on the form?
Is your form based on a query that is not updateable?
Have you refreshed the link to the table?
Have you tried creating a new table and appending records from the
problem table?
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