Posted by Tha RagMan on 09/11/07 17:23
First off let me say I know near nothing about PHP. What I do know is
I need what it does for me.
Some time ago I purchased a little program called PHP Form Wizard to
create scripts to handle my online forms of which it does fine for me
with one exception. One of the tasks it performs is that it emails the
form input data to a specified addy which works well. What it doesn't
do, and I have not figured out how to do is to get it to also do a Bcc
to another addy. I would very much like to be able to insert a line of
code to achieve this if possible. Below you will see an example of the
code the PHP Form Wizard program creates. What code and where should
it be inserted to add Bcc addy to this form processing script? I would
be most grateful if one of you would step up and give me a hand with
this. Thanking you in advance for any help and info you might provide.
Please bear in mind that I am way below the Newbie ranks when it comes
to PHP so simplicity is mucho appreciated.
Tha RagMan
# ----------------------------------------------------
# -----
# ----- This script was generated by PHP-Form Wizard 1.2.5 on 9/8/2007
at 4:29:26 PM
# -----
# ----- http://www.tools4php.com
# -----
# ----------------------------------------------------
// Receiving variables
@$Name = addslashes($_POST['Name']);
@$Email = addslashes($_POST['Email']);
@$Comments = addslashes($_POST['Comments']);
// Validation
if (strlen($Name) == 0 )
header("Location: error.html");
if (strlen($Email) == 0 )
header("Location: error.html");
if (strlen($Comments) == 0 )
header("Location: error.html");
//Sending Email to form owner
$pfw_header = "From: $Email\n"
. "Reply-To: $Email\n";
$pfw_subject = "Dean Spears Contact Form Results Data";
$pfw_email_to = "me@myemailaddy.com";
$pfw_message = "Name: $Name\n"
.. "Email: $Email\n"
.. "Comments: $Comments\n";
@mail($pfw_email_to, $pfw_subject ,$pfw_message ,$pfw_header ) ;
//saving record in a text file
$pfw_file_name = "contact.txt";
$pfw_first_raw = "Name,Email,Comments\n";
$pfw_values = "$Name,$Email,".str_replace ("\r\n","<BR>",$Comments
$pfw_is_first_row = false;
$pfw_is_first_row = true ;
if (!$pfw_handle = fopen($pfw_file_name, 'a+')) {
die("Cannot open file ($pfw_file_name)");
if ($pfw_is_first_row)
if (fwrite($pfw_handle, $pfw_first_raw ) === FALSE) {
die("Cannot write to file ($pfw_filename)");
if (fwrite($pfw_handle, $pfw_values) === FALSE) {
die("Cannot write to file ($pfw_filename)");
header("Location: thanku.html");
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