Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 09/12/07 17:14
Sanders Kaufman wrote:
> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>> Sanders Kaufman wrote:
>>> But you're probably right. I have noticed that experience and
>>> competence aren't the highest priorities for large corporations.
>>> Towing the corporate line can cover a LOT of shortcomings.
>> I didn't say the company would hire programmers who don't know how to
>> program!
>> But many companies hire people with limited programming experience for
>> entry level jobs. The employees don't have as many bad habits to
>> unlearn.
> Big corporations.
> Blecch.
I don't know. I worked for IBM for 13 years. Left when I had a chance
to get a good separation package and start a consulting business.
Right now I'm almost (that's ALMOST) sorry I left, though. August 1st
would have been my 30th anniversary and I could have retired with a
so-so pension. But I've had a lot more fun than I would have ever had
by staying there, and seen a lot more of the world.
>> I've been on some projects with "experienced programmers". They're
>> fast and good, but some of them have been a real PITA with their
>> "know-it-all" attitude.
>> OTOH, I've had some relatively new programmers on projects. Sure,
>> these guys are slower and need more help. And they can't be expected
>> to do more of the advanced work experienced programmers do. But they
>> make up for it in their dedication. Experience is NOT everything.
>> As for competence - I don't know any company who will put up with a
>> person who's unable to do a job and not willing to learn to do it
>> (unless there is a union involved). In most companies it has nothing
>> to do with "toeing the corporate line" - rather a willingness and
>> ability to improve. Not doing the job and not improving and you're gone.
> That's not my experience with big corporations, but in my defense - my
> experience with those kinds of folks is with telecom and marketing
> companies which have, thank God, mostly been wiped from the face of the
> Earth.
Now you know why. :-)
> So when someone asks about good career paths - they're not tops on my
> list of recommendations.
They do have their advantages.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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