Posted by Will A on 07/20/05 18:19
crjunk@earthlink.net wrote:
> First, let me say that I know that doing something like preventing the
> user from changing the font size is never a good thing from a usability
> standpoint.
> Let me explain why I'm trying to do this. I'm trying to recreate an
> online payment invoice that looks very similar to the hard copy invoice
> we mail out to our customers. The user will be able to print out this
> invoice from their web browser and mail it in along with their payment.
> The web browser printout needs to be similar in size to the invoice we
> mail out. I would prefer to create the invoice as a PDF for the user,
> but because of deadline time constraints, I do not have this luxury.
> I have found examples on how to limit the size of text in IE, but this
> solution does not work in FireFox. Is there a way to "lock" the size
> of text in Fireox?
> Thanks,
> CR Junk
(First post, might be getting in over my head, but here goes.)
Try using a separate print-media stylesheet, with font sizes in pixels:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="print.css" media="print" />
While the font size can also be changed there, using Print Preview, I
doubt many people will do so.
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