Posted by Neredbojias on 09/13/07 08:19
Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 18:10:26
GMT Blinky the Shark scribed:
>> Since were on the subject of novels, did you ever happen to read
>> anything by "Hodgson" or "Hudson"? Not gonna tell ya the titles
>> (now). But good stuff.
> Doesn't ring any bells.
William Hope Hodgson wrote "The House on the Borderland" and "The Night
Land", 2 very gothicy, horrorish, and a bit science-fictiony mood novels.
I suppose the writing could be criticized, but I consider them classics.
(There's a bit of "Stephen King" flavour in them.)
William Henry Hudson was a 19th century naturalist who wrote "Green
Mansions", a story about a girl, the last surviving member of an ancient,
gifted race, living alone in a South American rain forest. The tale was
actually more or less about her encounter with a "civilized" modern man and
her inter-relation with the temporal environment.
Evidentally I read those novels at just about the right time in my life
because they made a real impression. "Green Mansions" _is_ acknowledged a
true classic, and I recommend it highly.
Half lies are worth twice as much as whole lies.
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