Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 09/14/07 12:06
Adam Baker wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm writing a site where a handful of people will be able to edit
> the content using PHP scripts (FCKeditor). The content is stored as
> individual files in a directory. I'd like to validate the "editors"
> using PHP, cookies, etc.
> The question is what file permissions I need to allow for the
> content to be writable by my PHP script. Do I really need to give
> write permissions to the "other" group. Are all wikis really that
> vulnerable? (yes, I know that's the point, but for restricted wikis,
> for instance...)
> Thanks,
> Adam
The only one doing the writing will be the Apache user itself. The
system doesn't know or care who is using the editor - that's completely
between Apache and the user.
And beware that unless you implement your own security, any of those
people will be able to edit any of the files.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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