Posted by Michael Fesser on 09/14/07 13:49
..oO(Jerry Stuckle)
>Yep, you are an idiot if you think they didn't attack us. Some reminders:
How many people in the world were killed by US soldiers? Or by US
weapons thrown into a fight to make some money and to "protect" the US
economical interests? How many people suffer from starvation and poverty
because the US is exploiting their land or restricting their trading?
What good have the US done to the world in the last decades?
>Every one of them by Muslim extremists. And these same extremists have
>vowed to destroy our civilization.
There are reasons for that. They don't do that just for fun. No, I don't
support them, but I don't support the US and their behaviour either.
Some people just get what they deserve. The only problem and real
tragedy is: It's always the little guy from the streets, the usual
civilian, who has to pay the biggest price for the government's
mistakes, for their egoism and arrogance. It always hits the innocent,
never the real guilty.
>I have nothing against most Muslims. They are only interested in living
>in peace. But there are a few who have twisted their religion to meet
>their own ends. And these are the problems.
>Get your head out of your ass, Sanders. You should be glad we finally
>have a President with the balls to stand up to them.
Bush is one of the worst terrorist himself. A dangerous criminal Texan
cowboy with a big daddy and a lot of money behind him.
>If we would have
>had that in 1993, we wouldn't be in this situation today.
Correct. It could be even worse.
>And if we didn't go after them in Afghanistan, Iraq and other areas, you
>can be assured they would be here.
The only reason to invade Iraq was the oil. When was the war finished
"officially"? What's the situation now? Worse than ever.
But what does this all have to do with PHP? Bush wouldn't even know how
to spell it.
A curious side note: Our biggest telco "Deutsche Telekom" is known for
ruthlessly protecting their "intellectual properties" and tradamarks,
suing everyone who even thinks about using something colored magenta
(their brand color) or using anything that starts with "T-", because of
their brand names T-Com, T-Mobile, T-Systems etc. They grab all domain
names with "t-" at the beginning - they even own "t-errorist.de" ...
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