Posted by Confused but working on it on 09/14/07 21:42
On 2007-09-13 08:10:48 -0700, Captain Paralytic <paul_lautman@yahoo.com> said:
> On 12 Sep, 17:50, Confused but working on it
> <PostInGro...@wherever.com> wrote:
>> Just wanted to say thanks for the posts helping me make ths work. Added
>> a few comments and after the readdir used a pattern match to test for
>> .jpg, and seems to work fine on my test setup. Maybe I should test for
>> gif, tiff, and png... Anyway, here's the code:
>> <?php
>> //Open images directory
>> $dir = opendir("images");
>> //read files in the dir
>> while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false)
>> //test to make sure jpg
>> if (eregi("\.jpg",$file))
>> {
>> echo "<img src='images/$file' class=\"pad1em\">";
>> }
>> closedir($dir);
>> ?>
>> For my next trick I'm going to change the above to read a thumbs dir,
>> and make a link to a larger picture of the same name in images.
>> Shouldn't be too hard bt my last programming class was almost 20 years
>> ago. :) Hats off to everyone that does this for a living.
>> Thanks again!
> I think that your ereg might find files such as fred.jpgs.php
Yo Captain! (ex-nick of mine)
So that will never be found because fred and I, well, his wife will
tell you the whole story...
Just like a million other peeps I take pictures. I load em up in my mac
in iPhoto, make an album with the corresponding name and don't include
shats that were crappy. Export to a dir called images, filezilla to my
site. Use my little code to display on a page. I tried iWeb to make
pages, gallery databases done in php, and holy cow way to complicated.
Just easier to manage everything in directories by some kind of topic.
So is there a way for your exampe to happen?
Thanks for your input,
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