Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 09/15/07 13:28
Sanders Kaufman wrote:
> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>> Oh, you don't know the difference between Iraq and Viet Nam? I
>> suggest you go back and study your history.
>> Unlike you, I know first hand about View Nam.
>> Crawl back in your hole, troll.
> I've noticed that the low-lifes who behaved so poorly during that
> illegal war are the same ones who insist the Iraqis must be slaughtered
> as well.
> I just thank GOD y'all are a dying breed, and that your leaders are
> being tried and convicted for what they do.
Got it wrong again, idiot. We never said anything about slaughtering
Iraqis. In fact, we saved them from being slaughtered by a tyrant - one
who was convicted of killing millions of his own citizens.
And by who's definition is this war illegal? Yours? We already know
where your head is. The U.S.? Which laws. The U.N.? Why haven't they
charged us?
Just more bullshit, Sanders.
We are the strongest country in the world because we are the best
country in the world. And unlike your chicken-shit leaders, we will
stand up to terrorists.
Every time you post a message here you're sounding more and more like
the terrorists. So maybe we need to hold you responsible for the
bombings in Madrid, London, New York....
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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