Posted by Toby Inkster on 09/16/07 19:07
=========================== alt.html Statistics ============================
Total posts considered: 284 over 7 days
Earliest article: Sun Sep 9 21:03:20 2007
Latest article: Sun Sep 16 19:02:22 2007
Original articles: 33, replies: 251
Total size of posts: 631,033 bytes (616 kbytes) (0.60 Mbytes)
Average 40 articles per day, 0.09 Mbytes per day, 2,221 bytes per article
Total headers: 342 kbytes, bodies: 273 kbytes
Body: quoted 113 kbytes, original 146 kbytes = 56.28%, sigs 13 kbytes
Total number of posters: 69, average 9,145 bytes per poster
Total number of threads: 41, average 15,391 bytes per thread
Total number of User-Agents: 15
==================== Top Posters by Number of Messages =====================
Poster Msgs
1: dorayme ........................................................ 37
2: Neredbojias .................................................... 32
3: Jukka K. Korpela ............................................... 29
4: Travis Newbury ................................................. 17
5: Blinky the Shark ............................................... 17
6: Jonathan N. Little ............................................. 11
7: Beauregard T. Shagnasty ........................................ 9
8: Ben C .......................................................... 8
9: John Hosking ................................................... 6
10: rf ............................................................. 5
11: Bergamot ....................................................... 5
12: Ed Mullen ...................................................... 4
13: andrew ......................................................... 4
14: Nikita the Spider .............................................. 4
15: Paul Furman .................................................... 4
16: David De Cristoforo ............................................ 4
17: Adrienne Boswell ............................................... 4
18: JL ............................................................. 4
19: cwdjrxyz ....................................................... 3
20: Sonnich Jensen ................................................. 3
======================= Top Posters by Size (kbytes) =======================
Poster Hdrs Quot Orig Sig Total
1: Neredbojias .................... 55 11 10 2 79
2: dorayme ........................ 32 15 22 0 70
3: Jukka K. Korpela ............... 33 8 18 1 62
4: Blinky the Shark ............... 30 11 2 3 47
5: Travis Newbury ................. 20 2 4 0 28
6: Toby Inkster ................... 0 0 21 0 21
7: Jonathan N. Little ............. 13 3 3 0 21
8: Ben C .......................... 10 4 2 0 17
9: Beauregard T. Shagnasty ........ 10 3 2 0 16
10: John Hosking ................... 7 2 2 0 12
11: Ed Mullen ...................... 5 4 1 0 12
12: andrew ......................... 7 1 1 0 10
13: Paul Furman .................... 5 3 1 0 10
14: rf ............................. 5 2 2 0 10
15: shror .......................... 3 4 1 0 8
16: Adrienne Boswell ............... 3 1 2 0 8
17: cwdjrxyz ....................... 3 0 3 0 8
18: abdo911 ........................ 1 0 6 0 7
19: David De Cristoforo ............ 5 1 1 0 7
20: Nikita the Spider .............. 3 2 0 0 6
================== Top Posters by Original Text (kbytes) ===================
Poster Total
1: dorayme ........................................................ 22
2: Jukka K. Korpela ............................................... 18
3: Neredbojias .................................................... 10
4: Travis Newbury ................................................. 4
5: cwdjrxyz ....................................................... 3
6: Jonathan N. Little ............................................. 3
7: Beauregard T. Shagnasty ........................................ 2
8: Art ............................................................ 2
9: Adrienne Boswell ............................................... 2
10: Blinky the Shark ............................................... 2
=================== Highest Percentage of Original Text ====================
Poster Orig Body %age
1: Travis Newbury ................................. 2 7 64
2: Jukka K. Korpela ............................... 8 29 64
3: dorayme ........................................ 15 38 58
4: rf ............................................. 2 4 48
5: Neredbojias .................................... 11 24 44
6: John Hosking ................................... 2 4 42
7: Jonathan N. Little ............................. 3 8 40
8: Beauregard T. Shagnasty ........................ 3 6 40
9: Bergamot ....................................... 1 2 38
10: Ben C .......................................... 4 6 30
==================== Lowest Percentage of Original Text ====================
Poster Orig Body %age
1: Blinky the Shark ............................... 11 16 12
2: Ben C .......................................... 4 6 30
3: Bergamot ....................................... 1 2 38
4: Jonathan N. Little ............................. 3 8 40
5: Beauregard T. Shagnasty ........................ 3 6 40
6: John Hosking ................................... 2 4 42
7: Neredbojias .................................... 11 24 44
8: rf ............................................. 2 4 48
9: dorayme ........................................ 15 38 58
10: Travis Newbury ................................. 2 7 64
==================== Top Threads By Number of Messages =====================
Thread Msgs
1: Problem with "table" inside "p"................................. 49
2: Stopping robots searching particular page....................... 24
3: Photoshop CS generator.......................................... 15
4: Free Website.................................................... 13
5: Creating a photo gallery........................................ 13
6: Changing Link Color in HTML..................................... 12
7: ALT.HTML Statistics for 09/09/2007.............................. 11
8: Mobile Browser Compatibility.................................... 10
9: Question about CSS.............................................. 10
10: Form parsing question........................................... 9
11: background image expansion in a css file........................ 9
12: Old HTML?....................................................... 8
13: floats and collapsing divs...................................... 8
14: hard time trying to fix a broken hyperlink...................... 8
15: CSS Basic Question.............................................. 7
16: Error when openening html code in browser....................... 7
17: <Form> and Arabic input problems................................ 6
18: Approaches to widescreen displays............................... 6
19: How to keep a table square...................................... 5
20: search robots visits or doesn`t visit this page................. 5
======================= Top Threads By Size (kbytes) =======================
Thread Hdrs Quot Orig Sig Total
1: Problem with "table" inside "p". 89 21 13 4 128
2: Stopping robots searching parti. 25 11 10 1 49
3: ALT.HTML Statistics for 09/09/2. 11 2 24 0 39
4: Photoshop CS generator.......... 14 8 10 0 33
5: Changing Link Color in HTML..... 13 5 7 0 26
6: Creating a photo gallery........ 12 8 5 0 26
7: Mobile Browser Compatibility.... 11 7 4 0 23
8: Free Website.................... 14 3 2 0 21
9: Question about CSS.............. 11 3 5 0 20
10: Form parsing question........... 11 2 3 0 17
11: <Form> and Arabic input problem. 7 5 4 0 17
12: background image expansion in a. 8 4 4 0 17
13: Old HTML?....................... 8 2 3 0 14
14: hard time trying to fix a broke. 9 2 2 0 13
15: Error when openening html code . 8 2 1 0 13
16: floats and collapsing divs...... 6 3 2 0 12
17: CSS Basic Question.............. 7 3 2 0 12
18: Approaches to widescreen displa. 5 1 3 0 10
19: [OT: Book corner] was Re: Probl. 7 1 0 0 10
20: Deleting files on Windows XP th. 4 0 4 0 9
========================= Most Replied-To Messages =========================
Message-ID Replies
1: <1189001387.718874.229110@y42g2000hsy.googlegroups.com>......... 18
2: <doraymeRidThis-705494.07415612092007@news-vip.optusnet.com.a... 8
3: <1189447320.042489.42360@o80g2000hse.googlegroups.com>.......... 6
4: <1189597958.531576.158400@g4g2000hsf.googlegroups.com>.......... 5
5: <1189577571.282550.321450@o80g2000hse.googlegroups.com>......... 5
6: <brr3e3lpbbafson523qld31rniq12tre2f@4ax.com>.................... 5
7: <1189904136.838882.279430@22g2000hsm.googlegroups.com>.......... 5
8: <1189832089.732456.78590@50g2000hsm.googlegroups.com>........... 4
9: <1189612041.080542.235380@22g2000hsm.googlegroups.com>.......... 4
10: <20070909200700.stat.alt.html@tobyinkster.co.uk>................ 4
========================= Most Cross-Posted Groups =========================
Group Msgs
=================== Top User-Agents by Number of Posters ===================
User-Agent Posters
1: G2.............................................................. 28
2: Outlook Express................................................. 9
3: Mozilla......................................................... 7
4: Mozilla Thunderbird............................................. 4
5: Forte Agent..................................................... 4
6: slrn............................................................ 4
7: Xnews........................................................... 3
8: Microsoft Windows Mail 6.0.6000.16480........................... 2
9: MT-NewsWatcher.................................................. 2
10: 40tude Dialog................................................... 1
================== Top User-Agents by Number of Messages ===================
User-Agent Msgs
1: G2.............................................................. 60
2: Outlook Express................................................. 44
3: MT-NewsWatcher.................................................. 41
4: Xnews........................................................... 37
5: Mozilla......................................................... 31
6: slrn............................................................ 30
7: Mozilla Thunderbird............................................. 14
8: 40tude Dialog................................................... 9
9: Forte Agent..................................................... 8
10: Gnus............................................................ 3
======= Bandwidth-Wasting User-Agents by Average Header Size (bytes) =======
User-Agent Hdrs Msgs Avg
1: slrn............................................ 50261 30 1675
2: Xnews........................................... 61576 37 1664
3: 40tude Dialog................................... 10845 9 1205
4: Mozilla......................................... 36811 31 1187
5: G2.............................................. 71101 60 1185
6: Outlook Express................................. 51195 44 1163
7: Mozilla Thunderbird............................. 14313 14 1022
8: Forte Agent..................................... 7955 8 994
9: MT-NewsWatcher.................................. 36770 41 896
===================== Top Servers by Number of Posters =====================
1: googlegroups.com................................................ 28
2: individual.net.................................................. 5
3: hw-filter.lga................................................... 4
4: news-peer-lilac.gradwell.net.................................... 2
5: news.onet.pl.................................................... 2
6: local01.nntp.dca.giganews.com................................... 2
7: corp.supernews.com.............................................. 2
8: nntp.comcast.com................................................ 2
9: news-server.bigpond.net.au...................................... 2
10: news.optusnet.com.au............................................ 1
======================= Top Servers by Size (kbytes) =======================
Server Hdrs Quot Orig Sig Total
1: googlegroups.com................ 69 17 31 0 118
2: nnrp3.asbnva.usenetmonster.com.. 55 11 10 2 79
3: news.optusnet.com.au............ 32 15 22 0 70
4: individual.net.................. 43 17 6 3 70
5: reader1.news.saunalahti.fi...... 33 8 18 1 62
6: news-peer-lilac.gradwell.net.... 2 0 21 0 25
7: NAXS.COM-a2kHrUvQQWlmc.......... 13 3 3 0 21
8: nntp.eclipse.net.uk............. 10 4 2 0 17
9: worldnet.att.net................ 10 3 2 0 16
10: news-server.bigpond.net.au...... 8 3 3 0 16
=================== Top Time Zones by Number of Posters ====================
Zone Posters
1: UTC............................................................. 24
2: -0700........................................................... 19
3: -0400........................................................... 7
4: +0200........................................................... 6
5: -0500........................................................... 6
6: +0100........................................................... 4
7: +1000........................................................... 2
8: +0300........................................................... 1
=================== Top Time Zones by Number of Messages ===================
Zone Msgs
1: UTC............................................................. 103
2: -0700........................................................... 44
3: +1000........................................................... 38
4: +0300........................................................... 29
5: -0400........................................................... 28
6: -0500........................................................... 18
7: +0200........................................................... 16
8: +0100........................................................... 8
================= Days When We are Most in Need of a Life ==================
Day Msgs
1: Mon............................................................. 37
2: Tue............................................................. 32
3: Wed............................................................. 69
4: Thu............................................................. 32
5: Fri............................................................. 26
6: Sat............................................................. 14
7: Sun............................................................. 24
8: Non-RFC822 Header............................................... 50
Stats compiled by Toby Inkster.
Toby A Inkster BSc (Hons) ARCS
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