Posted by Shelly on 09/18/07 13:01
"Steve" <no.one@example.com> wrote in message
>> And BTW - atheism is a religion, also. This is conveniently "overlooked"
>> by those espousing it in the name of "freedom". But many atheists are
>> trying to force their religion on the rest of the country.
> if you're not an atheist, don't presume to know what it is outside of a
> proper dictionary definition.
> atheism is the lack of belief in god or gods.
Sorry, Steve, but you have to give the devil his due here. From www.m-w.com
Main Entry: athe·ism
Pronunciation: 'A-thE-"i-z&m
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French athιisme, from athιe atheist, from Greek atheos
godless, from a- + theos god
2 a : a disbelief in the existence of deity b : the doctrine that there is
no deity
To me those are declarative statements and not passive ones. It is a
"disbelief" rather than a "lack of belief". Also, when you mix "doctrine"
with theology you have "religion".
The point though that Jerry is trying to make is totally wrong, however.
Having an atheist in there, and not allowing mixing of standard religion
with politics is NOT forcing the "religion" of atheism on anyone. Everyone
is free to believe and practice as they wish -- just not mix it into
politics. My earlier statement of the flourishing of religion in the USA
**BECAUSE** of the separation and freedom goes to that point.
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