Posted by Sanders Kaufman on 09/18/07 21:01
Michael Fesser wrote:
> "Oh dear," says God, "I hadn't thought of that" and promply vanishes in
> a puff of logic.
My absolute favorite scene from the four books of that trilogy is the
final one, the one that according to the timeline, actually happened first.
It's the scene where the folks from the "second" ship (the one that
launched first) have already crashed on Earth.
The military fellow decides to go explore the other continent, and when
he does, he finds no life. But being a good Republican-type, he
declares war on that land - for pre-emptive defense.
In case civilization ever does spring up there, after his pre-emptive
strike, they'll think twice about attacking.
My second favorite scene, in light of our current situation, is when
they decide upon tree leafs as the standard for currency - instantly
making everyone of them fabulously wealthy, although it does also cause
the prices to skyrocket.
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