Posted by Aaron Saray on 09/19/07 13:44
On Sep 19, 3:33 am, "J.O. Aho" <u...@example.net> wrote:
> rsvore wrote:
> > I have a php form that sends an email on submission. Can I make the email
> > secure? I'm already running the php script on SSL. Ideas?
> Configure your sendmail to use SSL and then let the php script to use
> sendmail for sending mail.
> Another option is to use PGP tools via exec() to encrypt the mail.
> --
> //Aho
Should also point out, if there is any possible way to rewrite your
application and store the data in a database, this would probably be a
more security conscious way of handling your sensitive data. E-mail
is generally not the greatest idea for sending secure data - you might
look at storing it, creating an interface, and then sending a link to
the user to the authenticated section. This way they get notified
immediately, but still have to authenticate.
Just a thought :)
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