Posted by Neredbojias on 09/20/07 08:49
Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 22:14:04
GMT Onideus Mad Hatter scribed:
> Sorry kid, but the real future is a Flash front end with an XML
> backend that can be picked up by search engines and delivered to other
> sites via RSS and other XML dialects. That backend increases the
> access to the design far more efficiently than any HTML based form
> could ever dream of and using Flash as a front end allows you to
> create highly stylized, design rich environments that compliment and
> enhance the content delivery.
Since you amazingly seem to disagree with my opinion, I will tell you the
source of the statement. Some time back, I used to infrequently choose
to peruse a Flash object of some sort or other, and, even more
infrequently, like it. On a whim, I might try to download the .swf for
my own personal use. Sometimes you could and sometimes you couldn't, but
if you could, it always worked, and Nerbo was a happy (if deluded)
Recently I accidently ran-across a new type Flash video which took my
fancy, so I transferred it to my 'puter. It was an .flv file, I believe.
Anyway, the damn thing refused to run no matter what I did, making it
virtually worthless to me and all my progeny. Ergo, my statement, and
furthermore, if your idea of the future is things that don't work, I can
see why you wear diapers.
>>definitely has its place, but Abode is typically and predictably
>>undermining that right on schedule.
> See, right there, you don't even know what the hell you're talking
> about. Adobe has made much of the Flash development environment free
> for the taking and are edging closer and closer to making it
> completely open, allowing any third party to easily create their own
> Flash content builders. As is the case with such programs like
> SwishMax.
Ah, Adobe is neither your friend nor mine; they're in it to make money,
period. If and when this new crap becomes as "open" as .jpg files, I
will concede they have wisdom beyond the tip of their noses which
currently seems to be missing from any probosci whatsoever. Until then,
my opinion stands.
Half lies are worth twice as much as whole lies.
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