Posted by zacariaz on 09/23/07 07:23
Imagine this:
The site layout is split in three parts: 'top', 'middle' and 'bottom'.
all three parts are 100% width, 'top' and 'bottom' are x pixels high
and middle hight is to fill the rest of the page. Standard scrolling
is disabled and 'middle' is set to (css) 'overflow:auto'.
1. i can't get the structure right without using table, but tables are
not my favorit solution and it seems to me that it should be possible
doing it just with 'div' tags and css.
2. I have been unable to specify a doctype which allows (css)
'overflow', all though it works without a doctype.
3. (css) 'overflow' doesn't work, with or without doctype, in 'Mozilla
I have tried over nad over again, i've asked at various forums etc.
but seemingly there is not solution to the problem... I refuse to
accept that.
I hope you can help.
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