Posted by Christophe Charron on 09/23/07 10:00
On 23 sep, 11:44, Anonymous <anonym...@nowhere.invalid> wrote:
> Christophe Charron wrote:
> > Hi,
> > is there a known bug on php 5.2.4 in wamp5 (http://www.wampserver.com/
> > en/index.php) about having different kinds of printing for some
> > numeric values.
> > This script works perfectly on an linux based server on internet but
> > doesn't on my local wamp5. (here is the screnshot)
> >http://test03.christophe-charron.org/public/php/2007_09_20/2007-09-22...
> > the 8100*1000 and 8200*1000 looks like "bizarre" but not 8099*1000 or
> > 8201*1000!!
> > Any explanation ?
> > And sorry for my poor english, I'm french
> The result is not bizarre it is absolutely correct. The only difference
> is that it is written in scientific notation.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_notation
> I don't know why one PHP version switches to scientific notation earlier
> than the other, but that might have something to do with the precision
> setting in php.ini.
> ; The number of significant digits displayed in floating point numbers.
> precision = 14
> Check whether precision is set to the same value on both servers.
> Bye!
when i say bizarre, it is because I dont understand why php displays
scientific notation for 8100.000*1000 or 8200.000*1000 and standard
notation for 8099.000*1000 or 8201.000*1000. I'd like to understand
that !
The localeinfo() are the same for both servers and precision is 12 in
both ini files.
Christophe Charron
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