Posted by C. on 09/25/07 12:02
On 25 Sep, 10:53, nervino <m...@falsa.com> wrote:
> I am trying to print "selected" when an id of the first recordset is
> also present in the second recordset.
> I did the code below but it only print out "selected" one time, and I'm
> shure there are two id in the second recordset identical to two id of
> the first.
> What do I mistake?
> (I hope my english to be understandable)
> Thank you
> My code:
> $query_cat = "SELECT * FROM cat_documenti ORDER BY categoria ASC";
> $result_query_cat=mysql_query($query_cat)
> or die('Query failed. ' . mysql_error());
> $query_cat_sel = "SELECT id_categoria_doc FROM link_cat_doc WHERE
> id_documento =".$id_documento;
> $result_query_cat_sel=mysql_query($query_cat_sel)
> or die('Query failed. ' . mysql_error());
> $dati_recordset = mysql_fetch_array($result_query_news);
> $dati_recordset_cat_sel = mysql_fetch_array($result_query_cat_sel);
> while ($dati_recordset_cat = mysql_fetch_array($result_query_cat)) {
> $id_categoria_doc=$dati_recordset_cat['id_categoria_doc'];
> $categoria=$dati_recordset_cat['categoria'];
> while ($dati_recordset_cat_sel = mysql_fetch_row($result_query_cat_sel)) {
> $id = $dati_recordset_cat_sel["id_categoria_doc"];
> if (in_array($id_categoria_doc, $dati_recordset_cat_sel)) {
> echo " selected=\"selected\"";
> }
> }
> print $categoria;
> }
FFS use a join in one recordset!
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