Posted by Shelly on 07/21/05 14:23
"Ken Robinson" <kenrbnsn@rbnsn.com> wrote in message
> Shelly wrote:
>> I am a little puzzled by the sequence of events. Please help me out.
>> I have page a.php. There is a button of type "submit" and name
>> "submit". I do an
>> if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {....}
>> I enter the braces. Inside the braces I have a
>> header("Location: b.php");
>> Now here is the thing. What happens is that the a.php seems to get
>> reexecuted, and since it now fails on a fopen in a.php, the thing never
>> gets
> Can you post your code or enough of the code so we can see the problem.
> Without seeing the program flow, it is hard to determine where the
> problem lies.
> Ken
$list_start = $_GET['liststart'];
$i = $_GET['row'];
$dbVal = $_SESSION['mail_list'];
$from = $dbVal[$i]['sender'];
$subj = $dbVal[$i]['subject'];
$filename = $dbVal[$i]['filename'] . ".txt";
$message = file_get_contents("mail_files/" . $filename);
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
if ($_POST['submit'] == "Reply"){
$from = $_POST['SendTo'];
$sendto = $_POST['From'];
$subject = "Re: " . $_POST['Subject'];
} else if ($_POST['submit'] == "Delete"){
} else if ($_POST['submit'] == "Cancel"){
header("Location: ssListMail.php?liststart=" . $list_start_point); .
html stuff with:
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Cancel">
When I click the "Cancel" button, it tries to re-execute the page and gives
Warning: file_get_contents(mail_files/.txt): failed to open stream: No such
file or directory in /home/virtual/site23/fst/var/www/html/ssReadMail.php on
line 10
The first time in it read the filename and put the result in $message. My
question is why is it running the page on submit rather than going to
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