Posted by Shelly on 10/01/07 18:50
"lawrence k" <lkrubner@geocities.com> wrote in message
> I've got a function that starts off like this:
> function alphabeticalListOfAlbumsByLetter($whichLetter="a") {
> }
> I pass in the letters (a, b, c, d, etc) and the numbers (0, 1, 2, 3,
> 4, etc). It finds in the database records starting with that letter or
> number. It works fine except when I try to pass in a zero. The PHP
> code acts as if I have not passed in a function argument, so
> $whichLetter becomes "a", which is the default value (as you can
> see).
> So how do I get PHP to see that I'm really passing in a zero, and not
> just some false value?
Are you calling it with alphabeticalListOfAlbumsByLetter("0") or by
alphabeticalListOfAlbumsByLetter(0) ? If it works for "1", it should work
for "0". After all, what is being passed in is really only the ascii value
and the letters "1" and "0" both have ascii values.
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