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Re: how do you pass a zero as a function argument?

Posted by ZeldorBlat on 10/01/07 18:51

On Oct 1, 2:44 pm, lawrence k <> wrote:
> I've got a function that starts off like this:
> function alphabeticalListOfAlbumsByLetter($whichLetter="a") {
> }
> I pass in the letters (a, b, c, d, etc) and the numbers (0, 1, 2, 3,
> 4, etc). It finds in the database records starting with that letter or
> number. It works fine except when I try to pass in a zero. The PHP
> code acts as if I have not passed in a function argument, so
> $whichLetter becomes "a", which is the default value (as you can
> see).
> So how do I get PHP to see that I'm really passing in a zero, and not
> just some false value?

The problem is likely elsewhere in your code. The following correctly
outputs "0" for me:

function alphabeticalListOfAlbumsByLetter($whichLetter="a") {
echo $whichLetter;





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