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Re: Namespaces? Why?

Posted by Jim Carlock on 10/01/07 22:45

"RageARC" wrote...
> using namespace curl;
> init...
> exec...
> close...

That looks like Visual Basic 3/4/5/6...

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim sSQL As String

sSQL = "Select * From customers;"
With DAO
Set db = .OpenDatabase("mydata.mdb")
Set rs = .OpenRecordset(sSQL)
End With

'... rest of the code

Except I think it works a little better with the "With" in
Visual Basic.

What's the advantage of a namespace if you have 5 different
databases to connect to?

Anyone have a good example of using namespaces?

Jim Carlock
Swimming Pool, Spa And Water Feature Builders



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