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Re: mcrypt_encrypt giving different results for same input?

Posted by Michael Fesser on 10/02/07 14:58


>not to be overly contentious, but it is pretentious to insist on bottom
>posting. All you are saying is that you want people to post in a way that
>is better for you, in the way that you read newsgroups.

It's not only for him. It's the way that's better for _most_ regulars in
the newsgroups.

>But if I read a
>thread all at once (since I am apt to read a group maybe once a week or so)
>then bottom posting is a burden because of all the needless scrolling.

Of course quoting two hundred lines and then just adding a "me too" is
pointless. But quoting a question or statement and then putting an
answer below it is the most efficient way, especially if you're replying
to many different parts or questions of a post.

>If I
>read only one newsgroup per day, then all that downward scrolling is an
>unnecesary burden, too. I don't need to be refreshed on the topic because
>I'm not reading many groups every day. Also, anyone reading a thread on
>google groups would find the same thing - endless scrolling past old words
>to get to the new words.

Google Groups just sucks. That's not Usenet.

>If you are trying to make the newsgroup more readable, then you would be
>better off trying to get people to trim their replies.


That's as important as putting an answer _below_ the question.




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