Posted by Jim Carlock on 10/02/07 22:24
"Steve" wrote...
: i think he meant the DAO used in the 'with' statement...
: which is NOT a namespace but an object instance. i believe
: his code sample above would fail anyway since i don't recall
: DAO being a static class - static was introduced to vb in
: vb.net.
You're right. I've got to use a user-defined type, object or
Variant with the With statement.
Private Function ConnectToDb(sFQFN As String) As DAO.Database
Dim oDb As DAO.Database
With oDb
Set oDb = DAO.OpenDatabase(sDb)
'Doesn't do much or show much here.
'But if we were to include an oRs As DAO.Recordset we then
'could use the following...
'Set oRs = .OpenRecordset(sSQL)
'And if so desired, we could return a DAO.Recordset.
End With
Set ConnectToDb = oDb
End Function
Good catch, Steve. I encoded it to confirm it.
Jim Carlock
Swimming Pool, Spa And Water Feature Builders
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