Posted by Onideus Mad Hatter on 10/03/07 13:42
On Wed, 03 Oct 2007 08:12:54 -0400, Jerry Stuckle
<jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote:
>> What's even more interesting is that Jerry apparently works at some
>> place called "JDS Computer Training Corporation" which from what I've
>> read is some kind of like fly by night, earn your "degree" at home,
>> flunkie factory. They're so pathetic they don't even have a domain or
>> a website. But then, I guess it's understandable, I mean it's not
>> like that shit faced fat ass Jerry is gonna be up to coding a web
>> site. Hell the d00d has enough trouble just figuring out how to post
>> on Usenet.
>Not at all. I don't need a web site.
*pats you on the head*
That's very cute, child. Hear that everyone? He doesn't NEED a Web
site. *nods*
>The training we do is all corporate - Fortune 500, mainly. Our
>customers know us. And they know how to contact us.
Right, it's magic, they phone up Miss Cleo and she connects the new
clients with you via the mystic ether of idiocy.
>We have more work than we can handle now, and have to turn some down.
So much work in fact that Jerry barely even has time to make any posts
on Usenet!
....wait. Uh, plot hole, look out!
>For that we sub work out to other companies
I think you mean "out sourcing", Dumbass. Yeesh, this stupid ass
retard can't even lie without sounding like a dumbfuck!
>(and accept work from them occasionally).
Janitorial services no doubt.
>A website would just increase the amount of work we have
>to turn away.
Work of course meaning you spend all day on Usenet replying to my
posts, huh Jerry? Care to lie some more, Dumbass?
>Not everyone in this world needs a website, and websites are not
>applicable to all businesses. Ours happens to be one of them.
Websites are in fact applicable to ALL business, Dumbass. Even if the
website isn't being used to directly market a product it can serve as
a kind of business card with essential information that can be used by
CURRENT clients and customers. Information like business directory
listings, hours of operation, e-mail forms, client dev tools, etc,
etc. Essentially, if you don't think you need a website...it's
because you're too much of an uncreative, talentless cluster fuck to
come up with any ideas on how you could utilize web development to
better your business . You confuse a lack of need with your own
shortsighted stupidity.
To put it another way, even if yer delusions were real, with the right
creativity and ingenuity you would be able to build web tools for you
and your clients which would allow you to take on MORE clients by
making your existing work load process more efficiently (doing more
with less work, working smarter instead of harder, etc).
And further, if you so firmly believe that web development has no use
for you or your business...what in the fuck is your stupid ass doing
hanging out in gawd damn web development froups? What are you too
damn stupid to find an hobby that actually suits your interests or are
your kids just using these froups as your online adult daycare?
Onideus Mad Hatter
mhm ¹ x ¹
Hatter Quotes
"You're only one of the best if you're striving to become one of the
"I didn't make reality, Sunshine, I just verbally bitch slapped you
with it."
"I'm not a professional, I'm an artist."
"Your Usenet blinders are my best friend."
"Usenet Filters - Learn to shut yourself the fuck up!"
"Drugs killed Jesus you know...oh wait, no, that was the Jews, my
"There are clingy things in the grass...burrs 'n such...mmmm..."
"The more I learn the more I'm killing my idols."
"Is it wrong to incur and then use the hate ridden, vengeful stupidity
of complete strangers in random Usenet froups to further my art?"
"Freedom is only a concept, like race it's merely a social construct
that doesn't really exist outside of your ability to convince others
of its relevancy."
"Next time slow up a lil, then maybe you won't jump the gun and start
creamin yer panties before it's time to pop the champagne proper."
"Reality is directly proportionate to how creative you are."
"People are pretty fucking high on themselves if they think that
they're just born with a soul. *snicker*...yeah, like they're just
givin em out for free."
"Quible, quible said the Hare. Quite a lot of quibling...everywhere.
So the Hare took a long stare and decided at best, to leave the rest,
to their merry little mess."
"There's a difference between 'bad' and 'so earth shatteringly
horrible it makes the angels scream in terror as they violently rip
their heads off, their blood spraying into the faces of a thousand
sweet innocent horrified children, who will forever have the terrible
images burned into their tiny little minds'."
"How sad that you're such a poor judge of style that you can't even
properly gauge the artistic worth of your own efforts."
"Those who record history are those who control history."
"I am the living embodiment of hell itself in all its tormentive rage,
endless suffering, unfathomable pain and unending horror...but you
don't get sent to me...I come for you."
"Ideally in a fight I'd want a BGM-109A with a W80 250 kiloton
tactical thermonuclear fusion based war head."
"Tell me, would you describe yourself more as a process or a
"Apparently this group has got the market cornered on stupid.
Intelligence is down 137 points across the board and the forecast
indicates an increase in Webtv users."
"Is my .sig delimiter broken? Really? You're sure? Awww,
gee...that's too bad...for YOU!" `, )
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