Posted by Mike on 10/03/07 22:00
I' d like to list all inactive clients.
Inactive client is a client who hasn't had invoice for 2 months.
I use INNER JOIN to join invoice view (vwDok4FSFZGrid) and clients
addresses table (adr_Nazwa). I skip empty values (adr_Ewid.adr_Nazwa !
=''). I select only invoices with date after the interesting date.
So now I can list all active clients but i can't negate this result
set to get all inactive clients:
SELECT dok_PlatnikId, adr_Nazwa,
adr_NazwaPelna,adr_Adres,adr_Miejscowosc,adr_NIP, dok_DataWyst
INNER JOIN adr__Ewid
ON vwDok4FSFZGrid.dok_PlatnikId=adr__Ewid.adr_IdObiektu
adr__Ewid.adr_Nazwa !=''
(dok_DataWyst >= convert(datetime,'10/03/2007'))
GROUP BY dok_PlatnikId, adr_Nazwa,
adr_NazwaPelna,adr_Adres,adr_Miejscowosc,adr_NIP, dok_DataWyst
Is there any way to negate this set?
1. Sorry for my English
2. I would appreciate any help
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