Posted by Adrienne on 07/22/05 10:53
Gazing into my crystal ball I observed "Brian"
<brian@NOSPAMwallytech.net> writing in news:UwSDe.2969$Qy1.2214@fe09.lga:
Top posting fixed - to the OP, please do not top post.
> "Adrienne" <arbpen2003@sbcglobal.net> wrote in message
> news:Xns969A13A24DF28arbpenyahoocom@
>> Gazing into my crystal ball I observed Spartanicus
>> <invalid@invalid.invalid> writing in
>> news:fakud150t0llk0ubntqvilp0mq3sn12b83@news.spartanicus.utvinternet.ie
>> :
>> > "Brian" <brian@NOSPAMwallytech.net> wrote:
>> >
>> >>I need to have the
>> >>colors of the links change in different sections of the site. Can
>> >>this be done.
>> >
>> > It's a very effective method to confuse your visitors to no end,
>> > don't.
>> >
>> Not necessarily. If you have a menu with links of one color, you
>> might want the content links to be another color. If the menu
>> background color is blue, and the content background color is white,
>> you would not want the menu color to be blue, but you would probably
>> want the content color to be blue.
> Thats what I would like to do. How can I make the menu colors one color
> and the text links another
#menu a:link {color:#008000} /* green */
#content a:link {color:#0000ff} /* blue */
<div id="menu">
<li><a href="index.html">Home</a></li>
<div id="content">
<p>Here is a link to <a href="http://www.example.com">an example</a></p>
Don't forget to set a background color for those links, and you should also
include visited, hover, focus and active.
Adrienne Boswell
Please respond to the group so others can share
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