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Re: Ahhh, Inspiration!

Posted by Steve on 10/04/07 23:35

"Onideus Mad Hatter" <> wrote in message
> On Thu, 4 Oct 2007 16:37:09 -0500, "Steve" <> wrote:
>>passionate !== stupid
> Thanks for explaining my nature, Stupid.

you're welcome.

>>as far as him breathing 'life' into news groups?
> Well, life that matters anyway.

thanks for further explaining your nature. you consider arrogance and ilk to
be what matters most in life. good for you.

> Sure some doorknobs get a lil ripped
> up, beaten...destroyed even. The majority of them weren't fit to be
> called human in the first place, let alone artists. There is a line
> between artist and amateur...and my posts act as enforcement of that
> line.

enforcement...LOL! the only thing being forced in is my fat one...but you're
loosening up old chap.

you can't even keep your own mind in check - whimsicle, capricious of
dilutions. you're nuts. that's all there is to it.

>>since he first started
> like you make such wondrous excuses for
> gettin bitch slapped with reality.

we've gotten a taste of your 'reality' and are thouroughly convenced that
that place only exists in your own mind.

>>alt.php about a year ago, there are an average of 5 posts per
>>week...where there once were 100's.
> Retard, do you even KNOW that one can look up a particular froups
> posting history on Google? Cause uh, reality seems to accuse you of
> being a LIAR:

sure, but you didn't. LOL.

btw, comp.lang.php is NOT the group to which i was referring retard. hint, ain't gunna get there via google! but go ahead,
start trolling there too. he, he, he.

you really are new this this whole web thing.

> Google clear<COCK SLAP>

sorry, what was that again?

>>guess what, we moved to another php ng,
> Nope, ya sure didn't:

was i talking about that ng? oooh, did you 'ass'ume (as you put it). ;^)

> As anyone can clearly see comp.lang.php has had any significant
> increases that would account for the loss in traffic over on alt.php.
> Looks like you lied again, you fuckwit n00b.job, big surprise there.
>>and all is well since his isp
> ISPs have nothing to do with Usenet, you fuckin retad.

you ARE new, obviously.

>>doesn't seem to offer it to omh.
> You do kn<COCK SLAP>

i gotta pay attention...what did you say again?

>>great for we professionals
> Yer no professional, Poser, yer just some stupid fuckin wannabe.

sez the toad who can't even code a flat-line if he shot himself in the

> Rather ironic really, since it's the people who don't readily
> comprehend what "God level coding" means that are the ones who can't
> even code "hello word". Free cl00, Dipshit, "God level coding" isn't
> claiming perfection

which is good news for you.

> ...hell, God made you, didn't he?

uh...i have no idea...seeing as how people who say he exists never provide
observable evidence to support the notion that he/she/it/they do(es).

i see must answer life's most challenging and important
questions with 'goddidit'.


> And yer stupid
> ass is about as far from perfection as it gets.

really? i suppose that's why my salary is 2x the national average and i'm
actively recruited. but hey, whatever. you seem comfortable with making
claims without evidence...believe what you want.

> "God level coding",
> simply put, is coding creationism, making code that can recode itself,
> dynamic sites that act like living creatures that respond to user
> interaction. THAT is what is meant by "God level coding".

oh shit...more omh-isms. cupcake, is that like 'liquid dawn' (or whatever
omh made-up graphics term that's equivalent)? sorry, your terminology is
isolated to your fucked up reality. and, i don't care to learn your isms.

hey, what the hell...go on...tell me your conceptual mechanism(s) you use to
evolve such a self-sustaining set of 'living creature' code. maybe the ai
guys at berkeley would want you in on their projects...LO-FUCKING-L

>>when guys like omh continually show they have NO appreciable skills or
>>knowledge of the subject.
> This from the retard who doesn't even have ONE site to his name.

no, no...none that i'll share with your spamming tardedness. i have several can almost take your pick of one of any fortune 50 company.
chances are, i've developed at least some of the logic that runs their site.
i'd rather keep their money and not have the site to 'my' name, thank you
very much.

> There are only two kinds of people in these froups...those who
> produce...and those who run at the mouth.

and you, the latter.

>>> Anyway, I gave up on him :)
>>just like his parents, family, and friends...hence his pedestrian behavior
>>packed with such venom, distain, and arrogance. it's called
> Once again, yer lies are easily burned:


i love the work you did for stephan. he, he, he. you really can make the
wonders of flash just pop out...did you use an MS power point to flash
converter? LOL.

> Fact is most people believe that I'm one of the nicest, sweetest, most
> lovable chaps they know...

hmmmm, so you're either a sociopath, autisic, or schizophrenic. or, they're
just like you and have only themselves for the comparative base. LOL.

> it's <COCK SLAP>

sorry, what was that you said?



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