Posted by Tony Marston on 07/22/05 12:32
Your approach is all wrong. You are defining the table name as a constant
and not putting anything in the static variable. You ought to try what I
have been doing for the past couple of years, which is to set the table name
within the constructor of the subclass, like this....
require_once 'std.table.class.inc';
class Person extends Default_Table {
function Person()
$this->tablename = 'person';
$this->dbname = 'sample';
} // Person
} // end class
Note that the variables $tablename and $dbname are defined in the superclass
and do not need to be redefined in each subclass.
Hope this helps.
Tony Marston
"bingomanatee" <edelhart@manateebay.com> wrote in message
>I am having a problem with inheritance and static properties. I am
> writing a data record class object structure for Xoops.
> Because the table name is dynamic, I have to set it as a static member
> for each class. However I am having trouble finding a way to pass this
> static member to the subclass.
> for instance,
> /************ SAMPLE RECORD CLASS ***************/
> class Address_class extends Data_class {
> const TABLE_NAME = 'address';
> public static $x_table_name = '';
> public ID = 0;
> public function __construct($pID){
> $this->ID = $pID;
> $this->get();
> }
> }
> Address_class::$x_table_name = OPS_DB_PREFIX . '_' .
> Address_class::TABLE_NAME;
> /************** CORE DATA CLASS ***************/
> abstract class Data_class {
> function get(){
> $result = $this->execute_SQL(sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE ID =
> %d LIMIT 1;", self::$x_table_name, $this->ID));
> {--- process result --}
> }
> }
> /****************** END CODE ********************/
> The problem is that becuase it is static and in the child class, the
> value of self::$x_table_name is undefined in the context of the parent
> method get(); where because it is a normal property, I can pass ID just
> fine.
> Any thoughts
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