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Re: Side navigation

Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 10/06/07 00:35

Salve Håkedal wrote:
> I'm going to make a small site whith a structure something
> like this:
> Navigation: | Files:
> Home | index.php, in the web-page root directory
> About us | about_us.php, in the web-page root directory
> Band | referring to index.php in subdirectory
> Theatre group | referring to index.php in another subdirectory
> The subdirectories should be able to contain subdirectories...
> I want 2 things to happen in the navigaton:
> 1. If for example Home is the active page, it should not be a
> hyperlink.
> 2. If pages f.ex. in Band directory is the active page
> (not if it's index.php in its directory), it too should appear
> with its title not a hyperlink, AND with each level in its
> path as hyperlinks, like this:
> Home
> About us
> Band
> dirlevel (of bands directory)
> subdirlevel
> active file
> Theatre group
> ---
> I can't figure this out easily, but I'm shure it has been done
> before!

A couple of easy possibilities.

The easiest would be to set a constant in the beginning of each file,
and switch on it, i.e.

<?php define('thispage', 'home';?>


<?php define('thispage', 'band';?>

and generate your code based on $thispage. It's independent of file
location and you can have multiple pages with the same text, but you do
have to maintain the constants.

Alternative, you can base the information on the __FILE__ predefined
variable. This means you don't have to maintain define() statements as
above, but now you're going to be dependent on the file location.

Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.



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