Posted by C. (http://symcbean.blogspot.com/) on 10/08/07 11:43
On 7 Oct, 22:20, "Janwillem Borleffs" <j...@jwscripts.com> wrote:
> > I can do system or exec("change-settings"); ok, but how do I 'enter'
> > the input from a php-script? The new-settings1 and 2 will be stored
> > in variables in PHP.
> Two possibilities:
> #1:
> <?php
> $buf = '';
> $fp = fopen('php://stdin', 'r');
> while (!feof($fp)) {
> $buf .= fgets($fp, 1024);
> }
> print "You wrote: $buf";
> ?>
> (when finished, exit with CRTL+Z+<ENTER>)
> #2
> <?php
> $buf = '';
> $fp = fopen('php://stdin', 'r');
> while (trim(($line = fgets($fp, 1024)))) {
> $buf .= $line;
> }
> print "You wrote: $buf";
> ?>
> (when finished, just hot <ENTER> twice)
> HTH;
> JW
This is for getting keyboard input into PHP not sending keyboard input
to the spawned process - a complete solution would use proc_open() to
be able to process stdout and stderr from the spawned process as well
as sending instructions, but if simplicity is required, then just
write directly to stdin:
$fp=popen("/path/to/change-settings", 'w');
if ($fp) {
fputs($fp,"new-setting 1\n");
fputs($fp,"new-setting 2\n");
Alternatively write the new setting to a file and redirect stdin for
the command to the file:
$outcome=`/path/to/change-settings <file_I_wrote`;
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