Posted by sjharri on 10/08/07 21:55
I have an application providing me with multiple headers which I have
mergerd into one big header (below), this header my not always be the
same but I need to be able to extract a periodstart and periodend from
it. The periodstart will always be the third substring from the end
(or 3rd from right) and the periodend will always be the first
substring from the end (or 1st from the right).
How can I extract the periodstart and periodend?
E.g:- Header
'Jensen Alpha TR UKN GBP BM: Caut Mgd BM (50% FTAllSh 50% ML £ Broad
Mkt) RF DEF:RFI 3Y 31/08/2004 To 31/08/2007'
I currently have the sql: convert(Datetime,
(dbo.FDHGetWord(@FullHeader, 20)) ,103) but this only works in this
instance, I need to use someting like the RIGHT function or REVERSE
function but I can't get the sql right.
Can someone please help!????
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