Posted by dorayme on 07/23/05 05:59
> From: "xtra" <windandwaves@hottermail.com>
>>> We would like to put a DVD on a website (just a snippet). How do we
> convert
>>> the DVD to a type of file that can be viewed by people on the internet.
>> Depends on what it is on the DVD that you want to put on the website.
> Could
>> be almost anything - even a stain (scan and jpg or gif would be the way to
>> go on this).
>> dorayme
> Well, Dorayme ... i checked for stains and they are not on it. WHat is on
> it is ifo files and other files that are specific to DVD technology it
> seems. I think we are talking DVD as in the DVD that you can put into a DVD
> player (I hope that makes sense).
> I bet you must love your scanner...
Well, now hang on a mo, Nicolaas, no need for this sort of thing, I don't
love it that much...
Seriously, about your Q, I was not sure of its exact nature. If it is a
movie, you may want to know about the best format (I like Quicktime
myself)... But it may be that you want to know how to get the things on the
DVD onto your computer free of the DVD, as files. In my case I can run a VCR
or DVD player thru a VCR, or TV into my Mac via some AV plugs on its back (I
have no DVD player in or attached to my Mac normally. You can also get
special PCI cards if this circuitry is not built in. The whole subject of
what to do with the files re the web depends on the nature of the files.
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