Posted by bob.speaking on 10/10/07 06:46
Hi at all,
I'm trying to bulk insert a uniqueidentifier column from unicode file.
In my file I have guid generated from c# application and they are
formatted in this way (separated by "|") :
guid | field1 | field2
In my destination table I have three column:
id (uniqueidentifier)
field1 (nvarchar)
field2 (nvarchar)
I use in bulk insert a format file like this :
1 SQLNCHAR 0 0 "|\0" 1 ID Latin1_General_CI_AS
2 SQLNCHAR 0 0 "|\0" 2 Field1 Latin1_General_CI_AS
3 SQLNCHAR 0 0 "|\0" 3 Field2 Latin1_General_CI_AS
and I use this script
BULK INSERT [dbo].[KWTA2] FROM 'd:\WTA2.txt'
WITH (FORMATFILE = 'd:\wta2Format.FMT')
It doesn't work, it prints out
Msg 8152, Level 16, State 13, Line 2
String or binary data would be truncated.
I've also tried to specify in FMT file SQLUNIQUEID instead of SQLNCHAR
and it works perfectly but it imports another data. For example the
guid fc0c0c42-438e-4897-96db-8b0489e873ef became
Please can you help me?
Why sql converts alphanumerical GUID into only numbers ID?
How can I bulk insert GUID? (I didn't find anything googling around :
\ )
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