Posted by Brendan Gillatt on 10/10/07 15:20
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Onideus Mad Hatter wrote:
> On Tue, 09 Oct 2007 06:30:59 -0700, Bruno Rafael Moreira de Barros
> <brunormbarros@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Maybe you should just change your name to "Junior", eh kid? Why don't
>>> you stay in school and maybe you can graduate out of the "junior"
>>> training panties you keep wetting yourself in. Just a thought.
>> LOL That just made me laugh. I myself am in school as well, and so are
>> tons of Open Source Developers. That's what programming has that other
>> businesses don't have: It doesn't matter the age, all it matters is
>> good code.
> Especially when you consider the fact that the tech is constantly
> changing. If all you know is what you slurped up and were spoon fed
> from college five years ago...yer completely worthless at best. In
> this field you HAVE to stay on top, you HAVE to try new technologies
> and you HAVE to keep a VERY open mind.
So why don't you embrace more technologies than flash? Try learning CSS
for example.
> For example I use to hate
> Flash...and that hate was fairly justified...a year ago. Then they
> released Flash 9 and around September or October of last year they
> released a Linux port. That was also the time in which video sites
> like YouTube really started to become popular...sites which
> essentially forced every other Internet user on the planet to download
> and install Flash. At THAT point, that's when I truly saw Flash as
> being a very viable, most often vastly superior choice for user
> front-end development.
> These retards like Jerry...*shakes head*...they just don't get it.
> They went to college and they learned like PHP 101, then graduated
> and, well, that's all the fuck they'll ever know, cause without the
> college spoon feeding the son of a bitch he's worthless.
Tell me then - why is the only money you get from your sites through
donate buttons and ad links?
Surely _someone_ in this world pays more than $25 per week for bad flash
sites. Someone has to be that stupid, right?
> He knows it
> too, which is one of the reasons why he lashes out like he does.
>> There is a software, that was first a porter from GameMaker Files
>> (Delphi) to Java (Mobile, Desktop or Web), but that due to the last
>> GameMaker update, had to stop doing so. Now it's a complete game
>> making software of its own that enables you to make software and games
>> for mobile, desktop and websites! And a 13 year old guy started
>> working on it ;). Now he's 15 or 16.
>> So man... What does someone's age matter?
> It matters when you're a bitter old fuck like Jerry, he's well over
> the hill, completely unaccomplished and without any level of
> creativity or originality.
Seems like an okay guy to me.
> If you were in his position you'd be as
> angry and bitter at all the "young'uns" too. *nods*
You are 37, are you not?
- --
Brendan Gillatt
brendan {at} brendangillatt {dot} co {dot} uk
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