Posted by Neredbojias on 10/12/07 08:37
Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 15:40:26
GMT William Gill scribed:
> It's ALWAYS easier to start with a clean slate, with no legacy
> complications, but history is almost always a factor.
Hmm, I dunno. I see what you're saying, but, excepting those extremely
few and true "gems of inspiration", scientific advancement is based on
previous discovery and achievement. Even Einstein's special relativity
theory was based on considerable previous work. Of course html
advancement isn't exactly scientific advancement, but some of the
processes can be of the same kind - notably discarding hypotheses when
they become untenable. A "clean slate" is a general term, not to be
taken here in the absolute.
> You have every right to be personally unhappy with the current state of
> things, and you may indeed feel quite confident that your opinion is
> the correct one. However, I might add "by some definition of
> 'correct.'" <g> Thomas Alva Edison once said "I have not failed. I've
> just found 10,000 ways that won't work. (another of my favorites)."
> Let's just hope it doesn't take them that many tries to get the
> standards "right." <g>
> The point being, you may well be shooting the messengers for the
> they bear. It is a difficult task, and you should applaud their
> willingness to at least make the effort, even if you are not satisfied
> with the result. The alternative being "Abandon hope all ye who enter
> here." (i.e. We can't fix the standards so get rid of them.)
Well, yes - absolutely: get rid of the ones which don't work right. As
for applauding efforts which result in inept output - you've got to be
> None of this means you should let those who chose to right/write the
> standards just do as the please. That's where your "right or ability
> criticize the results" comes in.
My right to criticize is inarguable. I have the right to criticize Allah
in Mecca whether the Moslems there say so or not. The point of this
plaint is the point of that criticism not the improbable question of my
right to live and act freely with responsibility. Too much politics and
religion have made the typical man schizoid regarding the question of his
rights, and in shedding that tumor at least, the USA probably does lead
the world in progressive advancement.
Half lies are worth twice as much as whole lies.
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